The fun ends when you first land on Tatooine, from that point on the game gets very repetitive.

User Rating: 5.5 | Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided PC
The Good: Fully customizable character creation, Choose from a whole verity of careers, easy learning curve, space stations, space battles, exploration.

The Bad: No story, very repetitive, poor quest/mission design, choppy graphics.

If your a huge Star Wars fan there is a great chance you'll enjoy it but otherwise there's not really much to Star Wars: Galaxies. When I first played I was having fun with the Prologue but when that ended and I first landed on Tatooine through the airlock the fun went. They were on a role at the beginning of Galaxies why did they stop there? I'm surprised they didn't do a graphical overhaul yet because this is the most choppiest looking graphics I've ever scene in a MMO. Just because I gave Galaxies a 5.5 doesn't mean it's all bad, I love the fully customizable character creation there are a lot of options to choose from to make your Star Wars character unique, I have a lot of fun playing in space. What do they expect you to be a rocket scientist when it comes to Quests and missions? The quests and or missions are just simply to complicated to complete but are completable. A must for Star Wars fans.