Take away the Star Wars name, make the game a miscellaneous sci-fi MMO with Galaxies mechanics. No one would play it.

User Rating: 6.5 | Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided PC
I'll start off by providing a brief history, if you only want to see what I think of the game NOW, skip down to the last paragraph. Having played Star Wars galaxies years ago, starting with the beta, I know all about the various transitional stages the game has been through. Most people enjoyed the original game when it was first released, although some promised content was lacking. This content was introduced in a semi-monthly basis in the form of updates, like vehicles, dungeons, and the space part of the game. The first two years of the game's release were usually considered the best. Freedom of choice to mix and match a large selection of professions was very appealing to a number of players. Creatures could be trained and traded freely, camps were an ever present part of the landscape and exploring was more difficult, and much more rewarding. The economy was in a fledgling state, which led the master level items to be very valuable commodities. This all provided a level of freedom not seen by other MMORPGS. Now, you are most likely asking why this history is necessary. It is crucial to know what the game was like before the developers initiated the combat upgrade and NGE. The first major game change, the combat upgrade, vastly changed combat, making it a bit more"twitchy" and introduced many profession and weapons changes. These changes combined with the NGE, overly simplified the game. The stat bars were completely revamped, moves were changed, a large portion of the professions were completely wiped away or integrated into new professions and the feel of the game was much different.

Scouts, creature handlers, and doctors were gone. Automated entertainers became a more present sight. Many players left, and because of this cities became barren and crafted goods and resources were much more difficult to acquire. The negative changes far outweighed the positive, and this has led many people to view the game and SOE in a very critical way, and rightly so. Having cancelled my account a few months after the NGE, I decided to give the game a second chance, see what has changed. The game still feels slightly awkward due to it's NGE control scheme, though you can tweak this in the UI settings to get a more old-school Galaxies feel. A vast amount of new quests, weapons, armor, and faction related changes have been added, though crafted goods are still hit and miss. Most quest related weapons and armor are very much superior to their crafted counterparts, making some crafting professions rather useless. Jedi are a dime a dozen, and not at all in line with Star Wars lore. The NGE added the Jedi as a profession, so they are a very popular choice for obvious reasons. If that bothers you, I suggest you get used to it, because you'll see a lightsaber igniting every few hundred feet. Creature handling has been re-implemented, though in a half-ass kind of way. Everyone has access to the profession now, though you'll sacrifice other talents if you really want the ability to have you own pets. The new creature handling system is a mix of bio engineering and the old creature handling profession, and is very costly. Equipment to raise and feed your pets is expensive, and you have to kill wild creatures to find DNA material to enhance your own pet.

Coming from a veteran who knows a thing or two about MMO's, this game is certainly dying. The player base is rather small. Some servers are incredibly under-populated and barren. Entertaining and exploring get old fast, and aren't the sociable experiences they were in the past. The graphics engine is still beautiful, though it is starting to show it's age. Most of the new quests the developers have introduced over the past few years are boring, and not very Star Warsy at all. The control system, stat bars, and skill system all seem like they belong on a console game. My final word? Take away the Star Wars name, make the game a miscellaneous sci-fi MMO with Galaxies mechanics. No one would play it.