Great game ,that has an addicting force behind it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace PS
Let me first say that I did not find the movie (and so the game's story and characters) as bad as many people apparently do on numerous sites on the internet.PM is on of those games that I pick up and play every couple of years ,its music's great and the graphics are up to the PS1 standards.This game even has an RPG feel at times ,like when you walk around Tatooine ,and you have to do all these different side-quests.Anyway ,I found PM better then Jedi Power Battles which came out around the same time(had more action --PM more interaction) ,though that one was more challenging.Which was Phantom Menace's biggest flaw for me ,the fact that it simply was to easy.Just my 2 cents ,movies in gameform might not be very innovative ,but The Phantom Menace proves that quality ,and most importantly ,fun can come from it.