If you are a Star Wars Fan and enjoyed the Episode 1 movie, you should totally consider this title!

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace PS
I have been a fan of the Star Wars games for a long time and when the movie came out in '99, I was all for the game. When I got to try it out I was surprised how much the game pulled on the Psone's capabilities, but was disappointed with the balance of the game. For instance, for much of the time playing the game you will be cutting or shooting down droids and other adversaries and sometimes talking with cp to gather information on you mission objectives for each level. There seemed to me to be more of the fighting then rpg style side quests. The rpg style touches were nice, and the enviorment's in a number of the levels are quite well detailed and really drawed me in, especially the theed city levels. The platforming in the Final Battle could of been a little better, but overall the game was a great movie adaption, and I totally recommend it to anyone with a old system and some interest in the movie games. Hopefully LucasArts will release a remake some time since all the movies are done, this title is worth it!