Why's everyone so down on it?

User Rating: 7.4 | Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace PS
I remember this game, it was one of my favourites as a kid. You played as Captain Panaka, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and I think Padme', depending on which level you were playing. The game offered a little choice in how to complete certain levels, you could be peaceful and talk your way out of trouble, or you could simply rip out a weapon and take what you wanted.

The graphics were terrible, but I was a kid so I didn't care. I still had the time of my life playing this, and still do today. The controls are simple, and still gives you the Star Wars feel. The music was cool, and really caught the feel of the movie.

I figure it was a real love it or hate it game. I loved it.