User Rating: 8.1 | Star Wars Episode I: Racer N64
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer is of course a racing game, but with a twist, you race "Pod Racers". If u watch star wars, u kno wat i mean but if u havent, ill tell you. Pod Racers are simple, Two engines and a cockpit, the cockpit is connected to the engines by wires, it sorta looks like this ----------
II ~ II = Engines
I I = Connector wires
O = Cockpit
And the little ~ is wat keeps the engines attached, its a purple beam, thats shock u if u touch it...
You race these crafts in a series of races and tournaments, there is quite a few racers you can use. The graphics were ok for the N64. There is only 1 human pilot, his name is Anakin Skywalker, one of the main characters of the star wars series. All the others are aliens.
Throughout the game u get money (or credits) for winning races, and you can buy upgrade parts for your pod. Lets see how i rate this....

Gameplay= (+) Racing is sorta old but with pods, that adds a little more fun..

Graphics= (+) The graphics are ok, ive seen better on other N64 games though...

Sound= (+) The sound is very good, the music, and voice overs are great! you can even Taunt your opponents!

Fun Factor= (+/-) After a bunch of races, unlocking everything, and beating it, there is no point! So when u beat it, it will gather dust....

Challenge(Difficulty)= (-) A little too easy, the AI sucks, the only thing that slows u down is crashing.