A good game that makes full use of Jangos awesomeness

User Rating: 8.8 | Star Wars: Bounty Hunter GC
Now im not like a total Star Wars fanboy, but i am a fan and one of my favorite charecters (behind the Clone army) is Jango Fett. Now he has his own game, and i must say im impressed. The game follows Fett in his adventures leading up to his selection to be the pallet for the Clone Army. Simply controlling Jango is pretty cool, and hes got enough weapons to take on a tribe of sand people. Hes got his deul blasters, missle launcher, flamethrower, whip chord, and tons of other stuff. Its pretty fun to just walk into a bar and torch the place. However, an ability to upgrade or level up weapons would be a nice addition. The graphics are good and really bring out the lush landscapes and backdrops. The enemy AI is pretty good and presents a challenge. The levels are well made, but pretty hard at points. the limited jet pak fuel can be pretty annoying at times, but a unlimited one would be pretty cheep. The controls and gameplay overall are good and pretty easy to use. overall, i think this game is good and any Jango fan should have it, but it also needs a sequal, which it hasnt gotten.