Interesting content cannot save this game

User Rating: 6.3 | Star Wars: Bounty Hunter GC
When I bought this game I was looking for a cheap fix for my GC because I needed a action game that didn't involve fluffy teddy bears. This game was on sale for just as much as I had availible to me, so I picked it up right away. When I first turned it on it was pretty fun and the cutscenes where pretty good. The problem was in the first tutorial level the controls were a breeze cause they were given to you when they were needed. Then the game went on and the controls were the main part of the problem. This game suffers what most poorly executed third person action games do, controls and camera problems. I liked how you could try to arrest people with a bounty on their head, but as most gamers know, that is sometimes hard, and you want to stick to the beated path, that was another good thing about this game, it was linear but you could still explore the levels. Then when I had to use the jetpack, i really got mad. Lets face it the Fett's are a cool family but this game suffers from things that could have been fixed and then released earlier.