Abaout game media and gamespot btf2 2017 reviews and score

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars Battlefront II PC
Ea go too far witb lootboxes yes but gamemedia go much farther about game review in history of reviews. Acording to this gamespot site "game magazine or media" old n64 battle for naboo scored 7.3. battlefront 2 exactyl deliver that old battle of naboo cover in one single beta map and ads like 18 ground maps superb and even game add kinda old xwing vs tie figter space mod even old xwing or rquesquadeon games never dreamed level. But yetthe gameis self scored below that n64 game with 6 score. Are you guys kidding the not just gamers , art lovers, movie or stwrs fans, software lovers. Are you guys kidding the humanity. Again Below the old worst battlefront games too with6. Even half content btf 2015 was 7. And same game media like gamespot and many others gives mario game 9 its even same souln64 3d mario game and giveing the 8 un finished pugb mode game. Are you guys kidding me. Are you talking to me. İ dont know ea shit but one thing sure since first game magazines out before net days this is the worst review i ever saw and still contunes. İ underatand fans most of new comers effect loot issue and thry simly want prize down but game media you guys dooomed very very badly in many eyes many.