Star Wars Battlefront2 Dont listen to the haters its a great game

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars Battlefront II (Elite Trooper Deluxe Edition) XONE

Im a very open gamer i like to try new games and don't get hung up on clunky controls sub par graphics and launch day errors. Here's my review of Star wars Battlefront 2, Ill start by addressing what everyone is up in flames about first which is overpriced unlocks and micro transactions. All the problems with the micro transactions were gone before the game launched in early access on Tuesday 12am. Now i know EA said they were going to figure out a different use for the crystals but hopefully its strictly for cosmetic items. Luckily micro transactions weren't/aren't the only way to get credits, crafting parts, & crystals. They have challenges (like COD) for every class, subclass, hero, modes, and kills which rewards you with credits, crafting parts, attachments, and crystals. As for the overpriced unlocks where vader would've costed 60k credits to unlock the most expensive now is 15k which can be grinded in an hr of game time. So now that, that is all cleared up lets talk about the other features of the game. The campaign is solid, This campaign is better then the OG BF/BF2 cuz its an actual story not just dialog on multiplayer maps. the motioncap made the characters come to life and the story was spot on graphics and cinematics were top notch. They try and tie the game in with the cinematic universe (spoilers i think Iden verso and Del are Reys parents IMO) definitely going to be an expansion on campaign or setting up for BF3. Along side the multiplayer mode they also have split screen/solo arcade mode which is a good way to test out things and learn the heroes and maps also play with a friend on your couch. As for the Multiplayer a huge step up from BF instead of waiting for spawns on the field for heroes and star fighters you earn battle points(a lot like homefront) from kills, playing objective, doing supportive things which can be spent on tanks, super classes(rocket trooper,Super battle droids) heroes, star fighters, and gunships. they have a class system(assault, heavy, officer, specialist) now like Battlefield and OG battlefronts each class as of right now has 4 weapons to unlock with 4 attachments for each weapon. So much better then BF which i only rented that game and had completely unlocked everything before returning besides the alternate cosmetic heads. That is just about everything that this review left out. I'm not saying to forgive EA for this screw up but like every game now a days it takes some patching to get the game on the right track. I've been playing the game since Tuesday 12am the early access and I've already unlocked all heroes and half of the classes guns/attachments its been a full week so honestly not too bad compared to BF. If you like Battlefield and love Star Wars there is no reason not to get this game.