What quality the game lacks in singleplayer, it doesn't make up for in multiplayer.

User Rating: 6.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PC
Star Wars Battlefront II is a good idea gone wrong. While it introduces many new features not seen in Star Wars Battlefront I (such as playable Jedi, new units and weapons, and new maps), they do not make up for how terrible the overall gameplay is. Many units are drastically overpowered. Take the Engineer class for example - the only unit immune to mines, the only unit that's able to destroy mines without using up an explosive, to carry health & ammo packs (which players aren't quick to share with others, despite that being their intended use), to be able to fix and slice machines, and to have a non-bouncy explosive that only explodes on your command. Needless the say, players in this horrendous community are quick to abuse an allowed-everywhere glitch that allows them to throw detpacks, which are themselves an overpowered weapon that is horrendously abused. When you enter the multiplayer, you'll find a community abusing every unbalance the game possibly has. While the game has space maps, you shouldn't expect to play a lot of them with other people. The space maps are widely disliked in the community, almost soley for the fact that the maps only allow you to be a pilot or a marine, which (god forbid) actually take some skill to use. Using skill is clearly a problem for this community. If you should (amazingly) get tired of the multiplayer, what with almost no variety in it, you have the choice of playing singleplayer, which contains some of the worst AI I've ever seen. Even on the highest difficulty setting, the AI will not utilize all of their capabilities, and often times will walk right by an enemy without so much as a glance at them. The AI are also known to get "stuck" in a wide open space, where they are completely unresponsive to everything around them. Aside from the boring singleplayer (which, thank god, has a campaign with some actual story to it) and incredibly cheap multiplayer, the game does have a certain air to it. It's fighting style is fun. The game, in multiplayer at least, is sort of addicting. That is, until you reach the point where you blow a blood vessel by nearly every player spamming the same two overpowered units or some disabling force power. All in all, Star Wars Battlefront II gets a 6.5 for at least having fun gameplay, despite a terribly cheap online community and stupid AI.