If I am willing to still play a game after over 8 years of it being old, you know this game offers something unique.

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: Battlefront PC
As said, this game keeps itself fresh for an amazingly long time. The vehicles were excellent as I always enjoy flying the star fighters around Bespin as I dogfight enemy star fighters, get blown to smithereens by anti-air, or going on bombing runs. Some maps like Bespin were pretty balanced with the anti-air emplacements that just tearing the aircraft apart, but a map like islands of the wookie planet was just a slaughterhouse for the aircraft with no anti-air to stop the constant attacks from above.
A very lasting game that will continue still to give me entertainment, I'd like to give it an excellent score of a 10 just because I have yet to find too much faults. The infantry maps may have some bottle necks, but I have always found that there are ways to transverse them. The maps are really good and memorable, and the third faction battles are always great to have such as the sand people in the desert dunes of Tatooine.
The few things that could be worked on that weren't too much of game breakers would be the flight ceiling and boundaries for star fighters in the ground battles as some are pretty tight to move around in. The splash damage for the vehicles were a bit overpowered to infantry, but the turrets and rocket launchers have proven very useful at taking them out along with the mines the vanguards have. The mines in the game are very, very powerful against even the AT-AT.