A Grest game, strong multiplayer, tons of modes, great for its time, but still there are places to be improved.

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront PC
Star Wars Battlefront for pc is a great game. Better levels then even battlefront two, it has a great campaing, fun gameplay, great graphics, all of those makes battlefront an awesome game.

Graphics: 8.8/10 great graphics %78 completely real!!

Gameplay: 8.5/10 great, but there are places that should definitly be fixed up.

Modes: 8.3/10 Great but tons of room for improvement.

Multiplayer: 9/10 By far the best part of the game. It delivers a great time.

Campaign:8/10 Good, but not great

Levels: 9/10 Great, better then battlefront 2!!

Overall, Battle front is a great game with plenty of room for improvements,
Great level design, fun if not repetitive gameplay, great multiplayer, and great graphics. If you like star wars, or you just want a fun action game, this game is great for you.