Fun once you get the hang of it, but then you realize the game could have been better.

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
The game is easy, fun, and pretty much basic. It acts like any other FPS game out there. AI are very simple and the interface is basic. Maps can vairy from medium to very large. Campaign mode is different and fun, but can get repetitive and frustrating at times in hard mode.

If you get the hang of the game, you can easily mow down 100+ troops in one match. No problem. The use of vehicles can be exhilerating and satisfactory at times, but you can find yourself at times spawn camping to get extra kills.

The lack of good graphics, Jedi, and space battles makes this game almost linear. There is nothing unique nor speacial about this game. Nothing too much to be excited about.

If you are a Star Wars fan I highly recommend this game to you. Yet, if you are a hardcore/casual FPS player then look towards Battlefield or Call of Duty in order to get some level of satisfaction.