A great game, that will satisfy both FPS gamers and Star-Trek fans.

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force PC
At first, I would like to tell that this is a great change over the other Star-Trek games. This is a game, that a lot of people were waiting for. An exellent storyline, great graphics and sounds mark this game.
You take role as Lt. Alexander Munro, leader of heavily armed and armored Hazard Team, that is sent on most dangerous missions. This game in overall gives you an opprotunity to understand, what for example Borgs are and their behaviour as well as their technology - there are also a lot of other enemies as well. Another thing that I Iike about this game is in fact that events are realistic - you will make various alliances and decisions thorought the game, that will somewhat affect the game.
Weapons are plenty in this game - from Federation to aliens weapons (all of them also have alt fire). I must say that AI is quite good, althought sometimes when you lead the team, they seem like they haven` t trained with weapons for a long time - to be more specific, they shoot one or few rounds into enemy and kill one enemy while you kill at least 5 enemies - even in hard mode; and their responding reflexes are little bad --> but anyway, you will need them for different situations.
Graphics are very good with one of the latest graphics technology avaible. Especially the enviroment looks more alive - many good effects...
Sounds are perfect - an added bonus for fans is that the actors from TV series have provided the voices for characters.
in the end, I would like to say, that this is must have for every Star-Trek fan. But I`m also sure, that FPS gamers will also enjoy this game.