Go where no red shirted officer has gone before...

User Rating: 8.6 | Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force PC
Wow, this game so makes you think of those sad people who have to travel to other vessels and usually comeback half eaten or dead!!

This game is so amazing and is very fun. You start off as ensign monroe forced to lead your elite force team to whatever cercumstances you must fine. But you start off in a borg ship chased around you must fine your crewmembers. Along the way you find a rather straveging member who is likely one of the most cockiest members you might ever find. You go through finding all you can from weapons to health packs...Later you find your team trapped in cells which you help'em release, but the ship blows up and mission is over. Thank god that was a simulation program. This was a program to show you how you will go through your missions and live as a leader to your team. you must go over 12 missions and amazing obstacle courses before you end this game. Yes, you will dread lots of these missions as so I did. Yes, you will cuss many times at the screen cause you got assimulated and Yes, you will enjoy every minute of this game as much as the next person.

The weapons are very unique in this game as you get to pick between your Phaser all the way up towards a Projectile launcher.

The alien ships are very awesome and you will love lookin in em from time to time. You also have many parts where you are walking on Voyager finding what you need. You will be able to look at pads and be able to do some fun stuff. You can also talk to members of your crew as you pass by.

Multiplayer: There is a very fun mulitplayer mode you get to play online with a couple other people. No doubt this is very fun and doesn't get that boring. You will get to choose a person you want and be able to find weapons you want.

If i was you, i would pick this game up...You could easily pick it up for 19.99 or even 10 bucks at some stores...

-Unleashes the stuff you don't see in star trek
-Is very new and innovative
-Weapon models and characters are very sweet
-No doubt having members to kick aliens butts are always fun.

-A.I. Can be very hard or very fun....


"Why don't they bring a game like this to the next gen consoles??