Has potential but not worth becoming your main game

User Rating: 6 | Star Trek Online PC
I have watched all of the Voyager, DS9, and TNG shows, but not much of a Trekkie beyond that. This game does have some contact with people from the series as it takes place about 30 years after the end of Voyager. So, as far as immersing you into the storyline of the various Star Trek series, it does a decent job (one word: Tribbles). I must also mention that this game has improved some since launch. Originally I heard that players were able to easily hit the level cap (Lv 45) within a week. I have been playing regularly for about a month and am still only Starfleet Capt 4 (Lv 34) but have not really tried Klingon yet.

The character creation is probably the best of any MMO I have seen to date. You can customize about 20 different settings on your face alone (including scars, tatoos, ect) that stay within the race settings you see from the show. You can play as a Starfleet or Klingon character currently. Each have several race (or alien to make your own) options available. This also applies to your Bridge Officers (BOs). They use the same customization as your toon. On away missions, you can have up to 4 with you (tactical, science, or engineering) each with the same abilities that a respective player would have if you rolled one of the three professions. However, they are limited to having up to 4 skills they may use on a ship or in ground combat. This system needs tweaking on ground combat because the AI has severe trouble keeping up with your player around corners and in areas where there are obstacles in the way. I am constantly having to double back to pick up a stray BO who seems to think that jumping into the wall will enable him to go around a corner.

Ship customization is fairly decent too. You can use one of the models you see from the shows, or mix and match within the class of ship (cruiser, escort, science) as each has three different models. There are patterns you can apply to your ship with various colors so that you don't have to stare at grey the whole time. The ship class is really just to match your playstyle. Cruiser for tank, Escort for nuke, and Science for buff/debuff.

There are three main activities you can do in game. Space combat, ground combat, and walking around space stations and your not-so-useful-yet bridge strutting your stuff. The space stations (Earth, Memory Alpha which is planetside, DS9, and various Klingon locations) aren't bad, but don't expect it to be all that interesting. You will not be able to explore your ship beyond the bridge (unlike the tv shows). These are all propelled by missions where you need to complete objectives to gain experience for yourself and your BOs to advance and unlock more abilities and ships.

Space combat comes in many flavors. Scan anomalies, mission combat with objectives, combat where you group with other players for a common objective, relief missions, and escort missions. A mission can take up to an hour depending on how quickly you accomplish your tasks. Space combat is quite unbalanced and difficult depending on your level, ship, and current target. I have taken out a battleship in one pass (about 20 seconds) with my escort when i had trouble taking out three smaller frigates in a few passes (about a min and a half).

Combat consists mostly of mashing the spacebar. So much in fact that I had a twitch in my thumb for a week after first starting. There are BO skills that you can use to help in combat, but it is mostly the same thing over and over. If you are in an escort, you joust or just turret the target to death. If you are in a cruiser or science, you use beams so you are always broadsiding the target as you move like a snail around them.

PVP is a joke, both space and ground. Ground PvP consists mostly of spawn camping. For space combat, another recent reviewer went into more detail, but I will just say that it is a gankfest and not that much fun. Oh sure, it's fun if you are on the ganking side going kek to the other player. In fact, the community in this game reminds me more of WoW than that of a more mature player base like LOTRO or EVE. That is not true for everyone of course, but your starting area has been constantly referred to as the Barrens.

Ground combat is super easy. I have only died once or twice due mostly to my own kamikaze ways. Your bridge officers take on some of the pounding and if you are low on shields, just hide behind a rock for 4-5 seconds and you are maxed out again. To heal your health, just have a science officer with the lowest level of heal maxed out and you will never have to worry.

Ground combat is mostly made up of killing groups of mobs with different weapons and skills. It's not as much of a button mashing as space combat, but it's nothing to write home about. There are some missions with more of a storyline than others, which is good if you are like me and want to include your toon in all of the Star Trek universe stories.

Then there are the normal bugs that come with any new release game (wrong icons for items, graphic errors, sinkholes that swallow your BOs below the ground level somehow, etc). One of the most annoying ones is for the Defend __ Sector Space. On many of them, you jump into the instance only to be bombarded by some massive ship and 5-7 adds that have you half down on armor before you can mash the exit to sector space (/flee) button. Then when you return to sector space (the map) you find out that you actually popped mid warp and are a massive wreck. What fun. The defend missions are one of the only options available for you to level up sometimes and to have them broken is a headache.

Overall, this game has a long way to go for balance, content, and basic play. Cryptic has done a good job of creating a storyline, customizable ships and players, and creating a base to work from. Just give them a year to do so.