It could have been so good.

User Rating: 5 | Star Trek Online PC
The game is definitely a good game but there is nothing new about this game at all and innovation is exactly what Trekkies expect. You should be able to run all over the ships exploring engineering and crew quarters. You should be able to literally explore worlds and not just chase sensor signals. They could have done so much more with this game that they didn't and that was a let down. As such, the game's newness wears off super fast. The excellent character creation and video quality are quickly made old by repetitive missions and pointless travelling across the galaxy. I'm sooooo glad I didn't pay for the lifetime subscription now!!

To someone who had never watched star trek and loved it, I think this would be a pretty lame game. If you loved the series then there is a special "coolness" to being able to go to DS9 or star command. It is also cool to have your own tricorder and other available uniforms and there is the ability to do some crafting as well. But none of that is new and so the 60 dollar pricetag though "not to bad" in the beginning, quickly becomes "kind of pricey". Wait for it to go on sale.