Has a way to go

User Rating: 8 | Star Trek Online PC
While I agree with the GS review score in some cases, I think 'mediocre' is a tad harsh. STO was pushed out with minimal content and repetitive missions. Most likely due to some corporate deadline. Now here's the BUT, it's freakin' Star Trek! When was the last Star Trek game published for the PC? I can't even recall off the top of my head.

I think combat is fairly well done. The effects and graphics are spot on for the Star Trek universe. It MAY be on the easy side, but Star Trek was never about the combat. Sadly that's just about the best thing about the game right now. Exploration is tedious and the other non-combat missions in game are along the same lines. Go talk to this guy, then go back to this guy and repeat.

So why did I rate the game an 8.0? As with most MMOs STO will have upcoming patches and content releases. Cryptic knows what they're doing. This one was let out of the box before completion, but they can still make a memorable game and worthy of the Star Trek name.