Star Trek with none of the stars and none of the trek.

User Rating: 1 | Star Trek Online PC
This game was a total let down, after years of avid star trek fanaticism and months of waiting the experience that STO presents is short lived, shallow and doesn't pull you in like an MMO should. The story telling is interesting at first but quickly becomes convoluted and boring, the space combat is fun at first but also becomes habit after 10 to 15 thousand clicks of the space bar and the ground combat is completely unpolished and will have you waiting on the edge of your keyboard until you can beam back to space and massacre 5 Romulan warbirds in five minutes in your lowly starting ship. The ability to be a Klingon was a good idea as a pvp outlet however, it seems as though it was an afterthought placed in the game at the last possible second. The universe is not vast "Where no man has gone before" you are in fact going where thousands go every single day. The game world is a group of instanced sectors which fall short of creating a believable atmosphere. If you're looking for a huge galaxy like EVE search elsewhere, it is not to be found here. If on the other hand you are looking to be put in a sandbox with a plastic shovel and told to waste 5 hours while mommy goes shopping, you'll be right at home. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that no one actually played this game before the release of the beta to see whether or not it was good. The Cryptic team should be ashamed of the unfinished and abysmal product which they released to the market especially with competition like WoW showing no signs of stopping.