Pleasing for lifelong trekkies

User Rating: 8 | Star Trek Online PC
I imagine most of the bad reviews for this game will come from people who never held any loyalty to the series of shows and movies. I think some of the people will come on board after enjoying the recent blockbuster by J.J. Abrams to find a game loyal to the originals.

I have enjoyed most of the Star Trek franchises in the past and find the ability to become an avatar in this world as a complete thrill. I love looking at the ship I just got and seeing the name I gave it emblazoned across the hull. I love attacking Klingon Bird's of Prey in an overwhelming swarm as I join a team in a huge armada. Going to spacedock and selling and buying items to upgrade a ship that will hopefully, eventually become bad ass.

I do however have some cons. The sound has some choppiness in parts (probably from requiring higher end sound cards), the auction doesn't have much in the way of filtering out results (setting price descending would be nice) and the learning curve can be a bit steep.

All in all I think this game is a success and I hope it doesn't go the way of some recent failures like Vanguard, which I thought was a blast but no one was playing it, or like Tabula Rasa which just flat out sucked.