Although mainly for Star Trek fans still pretty fun for those like myself whom really aren't into Star Trek.

User Rating: 7.3 | Star Trek: Legacy X360
I'm not a fan of Star Trek and not really a big fan of space games period, but I picked up Star Trek: Legacy as a rental and gave it a try. The last space battle type game that I've played was a Star Wars game on the PC years ago, so I can't really match up Star Trek: Legacy on the Xbox 360 with any recent games like it, but I can say that even though I'm not a Star Trek fan the game has proven interesting and pretty fun. The ability to control several ships within a space battle really puts a unique twist on things. The graphics are pretty good and really shines in your eyes on a HDTV. The controls take just a little bit to get used to, but once down work well. Its hard for myself to give an accurate report on the game because I'm not educated in these types of games, but I can say overall Star Trek: Legacy is a pretty decent game for non-Star Trek fans and worth weekend rental, & most likely a must have purchase for fans.