Cool graphics, sounds, music & voices. Not-so-good game play...

User Rating: 3.5 | Star Trek: Legacy PC
ST Legacy has very cool graphics. Fans will love having all of the Star Trek generations during game play, and the voices of many of the original actors. I agree with most of the posted critic's review. The game is hampered by a complicated, messy user interface, and if you can't control your ship, it gets frustrating very quickly. That on top of not being able to save your games makes this one of very few games that I never bothered to finish playing.
Star Trek: Elite Force is the only Star Trek game since ST: 25th Anniversary game that is actually fun to play. It is a shame because there are so many good things about ST Legacy, that if a little more effort had gone into the actual game play physics, this could have been the best Star Trek game ever.