This game is easy to play, movie is cool BUT.....

User Rating: 5.5 | Star Ocean: Second Evolution PSP
This game is pretty easy to play but when u play for a few hours.... u will find that the talking time gets longer and longer... and whats make me stop playing is that after i finish a tournment and cont my mission. I accidentally die and GAME OVER... Then i release that my previous save point is far far beyong... I have been playing for abt 4 hrs and all th SAVE POINT i get to use is ONLY 4.... Cos without the save pt, u cant save at all... even after u finish killing a Boss or tournment, u cant even save... The distance between save pts is a few town away... wat the hell !!! So it was a waste of time... If they want to make save with onl at SAVE POINT, then they should at least have one on every town... U cant imagine us playing for few hours and don't die at all... and if die is game over... Should have some checkpoint at least so that if we kill by boss then we cant rematch again... Thinking that if u go fight the boss without any saving... Is not that the boss is a sure win situation rite... there is a very high chance that we'll be kill by the boss...