Star Ocean 2nd story THE REAL DEAL

User Rating: 9.2 | Star Ocean: The Second Story PS
8.3 my butt this game is alot better than 8.3 and well worth atleast 2 times though i own this game i have not beaten it but i have watched my friend play

it has 3 different battle systems to choose from level 255 or so level cap 3 difficulty modes and had atleast 2-3 bosses on several top 10 hardest bosses list

but 3 difficultys and the HIDDEN boss was voted hardest boss in a rpg

i mean the game is simply amazing gfx for its time were good
music was good
story rocked

you get stats early on well skills that can deside fate of your game and you cannot choose them its random you can still do everything its just you would have to wait till later in the game

has multiple endings and you cannot get all chariters on a single playthough

you can start as 1 of 2 chariters claud or rena i think their names are i hevent played in a long time anyway early on you can choose eaither a person from another planet with a huge gun that resebles a sniper rifal
her name is opra or you cloud get a duelwielding warrior who gets merged with a 2 headed dragon his name is ashton but hes cool also if you play as rena you get this really cool swordsman guy named diaz wich you cannot get if you choose claud

in japan the game was so popular they ended up getting an anime based off of it called StarOcean EX wich follows really close to the game

It is the 3rd game in the series

here is it

StarOcean - SNES *play as claud's father*

un-named *heard it was scraped VERY early in development*

StarOcean the 2nd story - PS1 *your reading the review of it now (takes place as first hero's son)*

StarOcean Blue Sphear - GBC *sequal to star ocean the 2nd story turns out everyone from the first game is back on earth and their's a new mission* (that is about all i know on this one it was japan only and very rare iv ben told)

like 4 more fan made games dont have any info on them cant even find them now

5th game
StarOcean: Till the end of time - PS2 *takes place 400 years after StarOcean the 2nd story*

anyway back to main review

difficulty is mixed
3 levels but the game can be EASY or HARD 2 bosses in it are rated hardest in a video game
to date i hevent played that much but i have watched my friend play for hours and hours
that is how much i put on their
learning curve isent hard but with all the battle systems,different options and other stuff its about a good 1-2 hours or so
hard to describe how it is value its a great game i ended up haveing to buy it 3 times but worth it *my moms friend's 6 year old son first time started useing the disk as a frisbe when i was in the bathroom 2nd time pulled the memory card out when i was saveing strangly it backfired and completely trashed the disk third time i bought it for a friend lol*

anyway before it was about a good 15-20$ used around 20-30$ new but these days now that ps1 is dieing iv seen it go for over 100$ but can prolly grab it on amazon or ebay for like 30$ but its worth it
BTW this is my first review and im doing this after being up for 17 hours on 6 hours sleep in a 30 hour timeframe so im not checking for miss-spellings