This was (and still is) on of my favorite childhood games, for many reasons.

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Fox 64 N64
I love this game, it's so fun. When I don't know what game to play I just slide this into my N64 and blast some space ships. But this isn't a rant on how much I like this game, it's a review so let's review it.

I'm going to start with the good stuff about this game. Well, this game has a lot of levels, with a lot of different environments (but most are in space, even though the background looks different). Another great aspect of this game is that there are more characters then just Star Fox's crew. There's Bill, and Kat (I think that's all, but I could be mistaken) that actually help you if you help them, but they only help in 1 or 2 missions. It's still cool to see them blast away at enemies making it easier to have full health when it's time to face the boss. Oh and speaking of bosses that's another good thing about this game. For every planet there's a boss (or, on the last planet there's 2 or 3 bosses). I also like that some levels have hidden bonuses (actually they're just for changing course in the main map). Another great thing about this game is that it has good graphics (for a N64 game that is). And also the controls are pretty responsive and they're good for doing all the different moves for this game.

OK here's the part you've been dreading, the bad parts of this game. Well one of the worst parts of this game is that I couldn't tell if slippy was a boy or a girl. I mean that voice made him (yes I did finally figure it out) seem like a little girl. And Slippy's annoying to, actually all the characters are anoying in battle when they have some other ship shooting at them. Sometimes they get so annoying that I just shoot down the teammate instead of the other ship. Another part that I don't like about this game is that some levels are too hard and others are too easy. For example the last level is easier then the satilite level (1 of the 2nd to last level's of the game). It doesn't make that much sense and it's like the game's saying you're either very good at this game so we're going to give you a challange, or it's saying that you fail because it's too hard. The good thing about this is that if you came from 1 of the planets before it you can decide to change course. Also, the multiplayer gets pretty boring fast.

OK so here's the recap

+ Level disign
+ You get to pick your path, and sometimes the desisions that you make effect the game (AKA bill or Kat help in some mission(s) if you encounter them).
+Many moves and the controls are pretty responsive
+ Graphics
+ This game is fun (who doesn't like destroying spaceships?)
+ Training mission

+- Unlockables, cool but kinda boring
+- story's kinda boring (Andros is trying to take over again, oh no we're so scared) but I don't think there would be any better one.

- Can't tell if Slippy's a girl or guy
- characters can get annoying
- some levels are harder then others
- way too easy (after you play it a bit)
- really bad ending (if you only beat andross in his 1st form, and not go on the left side and beat both his forms).
- really short (the time I used is pretty much the whole time I spent playing it, not a full speed run, for a speed run it would be 10 hours or less )

Final comment: Get this game if you have a N64 and if you like shooter games.

Oh, and I know some words are spelled wrong, I'm just too lazy to fix them lol.