SSX3 Review by SaM

User Rating: 9.5 | SSX 3 PS2
SSX3 is a snowboarding game made by EA. This game will have you playing for weeks on end without you getting tired of it. It has a combo based point system, and you obtain money by winning races, slopestyle (races that you must get the highet skill points in), big air (short areas you get the highest points in). The money can be used to buy a whole range of things from trading cards to game concept art, aswell as gear for your character.

The almost unlimited playabilty of this game makes it a must have for anyone with a ps2, and at the prices ps2's are going for since the release of the ps3 and xbox 360, you have no choice but to play this amazing game.

The storyline is mostly race based, no in depth story. However, it doesnt seem to make the game any less breathtaking. This is definatley the best in the series, even though ive only played On tour, Tricky, and this game.

As for me, im off to play another 7 hours of SSX3, see you on the mountain :P