alright but could've been alot better!

User Rating: 5.9 | Spyro: A Hero's Tail GC
When i firsst heard about spyro not being with INC i knew it would be bad and it was true. ETD is 1 of the worst games i have 4 gamecube. When i saw hero tails trailer i thought it was cool but was kind of dissapointing. Gameplay: As always the same gameplay. I dont mind but spyro feels weak n is slower compaired 2 spyro 1,2,3. Playing as other characters is just a bust n a waste of time. Playing as Blink just frustrates your ass and makes you swear cuz its boring and you get pissed. Sparks is seriously weak and just makes you wanna throw your controler to the floor. Sgt. Byrd is a powerhouse but you dont have any actual levels with him. Hunter is fun 2 play with and hard but you use him rarely so theres no point.

Graphics: When i first saw the trailer i thought the graphics will be like the legend of zelda on N64 which seriously made me wanna get the game. After buying it and seeing the title screen ... well let me down BIIIIIIIG TIIIIIIIIIIIIME! It took me a couple of hours 2 get over it but after i managed to get over it the graphics were kind of good basicly 4 a cartoony game. Frame rate ok the camera big improvment and enviorment was very cartoony like whihc makes you think its a disney movie lol. Sound: Probably the best part about this game. The sound. and only 1 word 2 explaine it: GREAT!

VALUE: alright buy this game if your a spyro fan only! and if you've played the ps1 games. 4 other people dont judge the game by the cover. and i mean it the negatif way lol. the cover looks sweet but the games just crapp.
if you really want it get it when its 5-12 $ like i did