Awesome game, it may even help you with dating

User Rating: 8.4 | Sprung DS
Game play 8/10

The game play is more complicated than it looks. It's not just pick a line and get lucky. You have to do much more than that, you have to see what the person talking to you is saying. Then make a decision what you should reply with. If you say it wrong you could get game over. Also when you say the wrong things the characters change their facial expressions. This is why this game may help you in real life, it serves as a good practice. Basically the controls are extremely basic and not all special. To pick a line, use up and down to select, then press B to confirm your action. Alternatively just touch it with the touch screen. It’s so very simple. As you play through the stages you pick up special items, these come in handy. At the end of a stage there is a picture to show what basically happened; more than one different one can be got in one stage. Once you have got it you can collect them.

Graphics 9/10

I really like these graphics, they are just like a cartoon off the television, they suit so well. The reasons being you can see the people bright and colourful. There isn't particularly much action in the game so they don't really have to show off any movement, but these graphics look so good with the characters facial expressions. Another thing about the graphics is the backgrounds are amazing they are still so very detailed.

Sound 9/10

Some of the sounds in the different places suit the surroundings. Like in a nature place you have some sweet melodies and in a night club you have a funky tune. Sadly the characters say nothing out loud, but when you fail a mission you hear the crowd go ****

Storyline 9/10

Actually I like the story line. It's mainly about love and friendship. The two main characters, Brett and Becky are in love with each other, but don't want to say because they have been best friends for so long, and it could wreck their friendship. Those are not the only dates that happen though. Brett and Becky do have friends.

Replayability 10/10

They is so much to do. Sometimes you may miss something in a level, so you have to do it again. You must pickup up all the items and artwork. This will require you to play through both Brett and Becky's stories multiple times to finish. Even then you'll want to do it again.