Pretty good

User Rating: 7.2 | Sprung DS
Ok...I bought this game and it was pretty good. You have to talk to a lot people and find love at a ski resort. I played as the girl and have already finishes it but plan to do it as the guy as well. The graphics are good and the game play was pretty good too if you like to read! You are reading and picking the phrases you want to say through the whole game. This game is rated teen but I would have to say older teens maybe. I have a 16 year old son and not so sure I would want him to play this game do to the cussing and some of the slang used. I paid $20.00 for this game and it was worth it. Would be better if you could find it used which the game play is a little short and easy to finish so I would think used ones would be easy to find.