Sprung starts as a simple date sim adventure. But over time turns into an un-enjoyable and unpredictable guessing game.

User Rating: 5 | Sprung DS
Sprung has turned out to be the worst game i've bought on the DS. At first it seems like a fun game but quickly gets un-enjoyable. The first mission of the game acts out as a tutorial on how to play. At least for the first few missions. The game actually does a good job of teaching the player how the game is played. Such as acting polite and avoiding conflicts. After a while the game becomes very hard and unpredictable. In later stages you will often find that what you learned in the tutorial stage won't help you at all. Common sense no longer exist after the 4th mission. Picking the most unrealistic response to a question will actually be the correct response. Picking a response that makes sense will get you a game over. After failing a mission about half a dozen times the game really shows how boring and annoying it can be. But if you like this kind of stuff then go ahead and buy it. At least its one less copy taking space on the used games shelf.