:o......WOW! This game looked kinda cool i guess, but you don't know what you're missing until you play it!

User Rating: 10 | Spore PC
I'll admit, this game looked a little....stupid to me, maybe because i'm not a fan of computer games. But, one day, I was bored out of my mine and picked up this and the "Creepy & Cute" expansion disc. I set it up on my laptop, and....I played it till 5:00 in the morning (started at 11:00) :P. dexcribe it in 1 word?


The graphics: Pretty good. I mean, the cover looks a little weird, but when you play it, its very good. I'm not much of a graphics person, so i give da graphics 9.9 :D

Gameplay: F****** Amazing. Now, the only thing that bothers me would be the cell stage. I. hate. it. Its not that fun. it gets boring because you have to do it before you get to be a real creature, and you're slow as he11. But, luckily thats only a small portion, because the rest: AWESOMESAUCEYNESS All over! 10.0 for gameplay

Sound effects: Awesomeness. I really like them, al ot! Though, some kinda bothered me, and it was sort of its weak point, I give them a 9.0. Nothing to really dwell on here, so lets move on!

All around: BCGE: Best Computer Game Ever. I really advise you to pick it up