I just got this game for Christmas and I LOVE it! I haven't really gotten that far yet but still , it's AWSOME!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Spore Creatures DS
If you like action adventure games you will like Spore, if not love it. I love it beacause of all the parts you can put on your creature, for example, you can put a Supupie mouth on your creature it will shoot an inferno of flames out of its mouth at the enemy your creature is attacking ( I wish it shot flames out of its butt, now that would be funny!), you can make your creature be a carnivore or a herbevore,(The supupie mouth is a carnivore mouth, the only downside to that is sometimes you have to eat the sporelings and listen to them suffer, unhg! I have the supupie mouth on my creature) its much easier to find food if your creature is a herbevore but if your creature is a carnivore it can help it with battle which was explained earlier. You can do a combo mouth so your creature can be an omnivore. The arms help with attack the more arms you have the higher your attack is going to be. After you put on so many arms the thingy won't let you put on any more arms on the max is 4 I think. The legs help you with defense, same thing with the arms, after you put so many legs on the thingameggijer won't let you put any more on, the max is 2. The eyes let you see better so on so forth. The tail helps with attack too. Anyway this game is super awsome, you will like it better if you have a good temper and if you have patiance.I have to admit that sometimes the battling gets hard, but thats usually fixed by changing parts and adding them. Somtimes its hard to make friends but its always worth it because they can help you battle, because sometimes, SOMETIMES! changing and adding parts just dosn't do the trick. Whenever you battle and win your creature gains experience and levels up and that lets you put stronger parts on your creature.THIS GAME IS AWSOME! BUUUUYY IIIIT!