Hope you can multitask...

User Rating: 8.5 | 'Splosion Man X360
Wow what a game, who would have ever thought blowing yourself up would be fun. I dont know if I ever played a game where I was playing and couldnt stop laughing at everything the character was doing. This game was hilarious, everything you did in the game just made you want to stop playing and role on the floor laughing. The things splosion man did like his laughing was histarical, and then when you sploded him the little movements he did when that happened. The levels were really good they werent to easy and not to hard, just having to stop laughing to finish the level was the hard part about it. There are tons of levels to so its not like most games where there are 10 levels and congradulations your done thank you for you 10 bucks, no there are 50 levels and the levels are a pretty good length. The levels probably take about 2 minutes long. I would highly recommend this game if your ready to laugh for a good couple of hours.