Hey the fun was there in the first hour, then it was gone. POOF!

User Rating: 5 | Split/Second PSP
It was wildly entertaining and interesting in the first hour or so. It was flashy, destructive, and hectic; it was like flashes of light and then after that it just got repetitive. It was a fun game to begin with, but there was no real story or a very good multiplayer, causing a large amount of disappointment to exist while I was playing the game. There's a saying called, "don't judge a book by its cover," well this phrase applies perfectly into describing this game. It looked and started cool, but then before you know it the whole rush is gone. Now I will stop whining and complaining for a bit, it's actually not that bad of a game, it's just there's not enough content to keep you playing. I probably recommend playing it once every few days to keep you, anybody from becoming bored in the first hour of game play.