Fun game, intense races, great graphics, worth your money.

User Rating: 8.5 | Split/Second PS3
Go easy on me this is my first review. At first I was a bit skeptical about this game. After all, it was produced by Disney and although they may be a TV/Movie giant, I wasn't so sure about them getting into video games. This is a pretty good game though. It reminds me of the old Burnout games for PS2. It has the same feeling of intense speed as those games do. What I really like about this game is the power play feature. It adds alot of intensity and action to what would otherwise be a pretty average racing experience. Also, the various single-player game modes such as air strike and detonator are really fun to play. One of the things that bothered me is that none of the cars in the game seem to be real cars - or at least cars that I've never heard of (Cobretti Iridium?). Alot of the cars seem to be slightly modeled off of real-world cars but given a different name. I would have like to see some classic mustangs or something like that. Overall, I wouldn't say this is my favorite battle-raceing game, but it is a dang good one.