Car racing has gone to a whole new level!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Split/Second PC
I downloaded and played the demo and wow! this is something which I had never played. I bought the full-version today, and currently I am in the first season. This game is awesome, this is something I have never played before, there is so much fun, so much action. I have played Need for speed shift and Grid, they are like same old car racing but in highly realistic environment but Split/Second is something different, it takes this genre to a whole new level. I am not a fan of racing games but when I played the demo I felt this is something different, something worth playing the full version. If you have seen the movie "Death Race", you can co-relate the action and events which happen in the game.
I am playing this game on a High settings with all other components set to max. The visual-effects of vehicles exploding, towers falling beside the race track, the passenger aircraft hurdling towards you car is just terrific. The lighting and the sound effects are also brilliant. I am writing this review even before finishing the game because I want to tell everyone who is reading this review that go get this game or at least download the demo and play it. This game is different, I liked this game a lot and I believe you will like it too.