While the console version has alot of effort put into, The PC gamers suffer.

User Rating: 7.5 | Spider-Man: Web of Shadows PC
Gameplay - 360, PS3, PSP 8.0 / PC, PS2 6.0
The console version of the game is smooth and responsive though the game may get a little repetitive "Kill this, kill that, destroy that, save them, kill him" yeah... a bit repetitive don't you think Activision? But the PC version is O.K though the controls are horrible! If you are looking for a more responsive gameplay then go with the console version.
The PS2/PSP versions of the game are very different from the console and PC, However the PSP version is made pretty good the PS2 version is just a cheap excuse from Activision for making you buying the game and giving them money, It is exactly like the PSP version but on a TV screen!

Graphics - 360, PS3, PC 8.0 / PSP, PS2 7.5
The game has a lot of awesome graphic features not depending on which you are playing, And really to tell the truth there is not much to say about it besides the fact that its good. Not the PS2 however and the PSP version is pretty good for its kind.

Music and Voice - 8.0
The game has good music playing while you play it but the voice acting sometimes really does not fit the characters and even sometimes annoying.

Story - 7.5
The story is again.. a symbiot story which is annoying already and this tells me that Activision did not put effort on making you love the games story.

Replay value - 8.0
You finish the game, you find all of the secrets, unlock everything and get bored.. yes its that simple to describe it and it is basically like every other Activision game.

Overall Score - 360, PS3, PC, PSP 7.5 / PS2 5.0
I personally tell you from playing all of the 3 versions of the game that the most stable version is the 360 and PS3 by having the most responsible controls, nice graphics and some good gameplay.
The PC version is for gamers who are up for the challenge of bad control response.
The PSP version is for gamers who like wasting time when they are not home.
But as for the PS2 version i would say to avoid it of all costs! unless you really want to waste you money on crap.