This has its pros and cons, but it is still a game you should check out.

User Rating: 6 | Spider-Man: Web of Shadows X360
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows is, as you probably guessed, is a game about Spider-Man. I am not sure, but I am pretty sure that this is based off the comic book.

Story: 7
This game has followed the trend that most games are doing lately, either choose the good path, or the bad path. Each path has a separate ending, which then makes you play the game over because you want to see the other ending and get the achievement for it. This is a good strategy for replay ability but it is annoying to redo everything just to see the new ending, it doesn't seem worth it. The story has you either stopping venom from destroying the town and infecting everybody or you can kill venom and control the town yourself. The story is okay I guess but the voice over is terrible... people are talking over each other which I guess is a glitch? This really brings the story down because you can't really get into it without hearing two people talk over each other when they shouldn't.

Gameplay: 5.5
This game has A LOT of combos and attacks to choose from. You have to unlock them first, but it is really easy to unlock things. This game has the black suit and red suit, which you can change into each suit at anytime anywhere in the game. Each suit has their own combos and abilities. This makes fighting more fun because you can combine black suit combos and red suit combos, making one huge powerful combo. There is something that makes the gameplay lame though... After a while, you give up on trying to make exciting combos because it is to much work or it isn't worth it because you can just use smaller combos that have the same power. This makes the gameplay less fun and more repetitive. It gets worse as you get farther into the game. When the city is being destroyed the game is very choppy because of all the things going on. This will even freeze your Xbox 360 when you least want it to. I am not saying the gameplay is terrible but it isn't great, it is full of bugs, but with lots of things to do. You can help people that need you, at first this is fun and it is great to save somebody, but this seems more like a chore then a part of the game. People are always in trouble so it seems like you don't even need to try and stop the crimes.

Characters: 6.5
All the characters are unique in their own way and interact with each other in the game nicely. Some of the characters in the game don't really have to be there, they really shouldn't actually. Most of the characters are fine but it seems that most of them are there just so the game will last longer. Everyone is there though; Spider-Man, MJ, Black Cat, Kingpin, Wolverine, Moonight, and a few other characters.

Graphics: 8
The graphics are actually pretty good. The characters in this game look okay, but not great. There will always be flaws with the characters but I try not to notice them. The town looks good and some of the places in this game look fantastic under the sunlight. The graphics aren't phenomenal but they aren't terrible.

Sound: 3
The sound in this game is not very good at all. The sound affects were good, don't get me wrong, they all sound great, but there is a glitch bringing it down. Sometimes when you shoot a web, it doesn't make a noise. When an air strike is about to happen, you can't here the explosion sometimes, even when you are right next to it! Mostly the games sound is bad because it doesn't happen when it should. Make a patch for that soon please.

Multiplayer: 0
No multiplayer

Fun Factor: 6.5
This game, if you can deal with all the glitches and problems with the game, is very fun. There is lots to do and there is lots to see. Of course everything is brought down by a glitch somewhere, the fighting, sound, people, town, etc. always has something wrong with it. The game is fun but all of the glitches are unacceptable. PATCH.

This game is very good with a great idea to it. Too bad it is ruined by the glitches. If you like Spider-Man games like me then you should buy this game, it is really fun. I looked passed all the bad things but when I decided to review it I actually had to see everything, even the bad, but you don't notice that much if you are into Spider-Man. If you aren't then I suggest you rent this game. It isn't for everyone but it is a game you should play when you get the chance.