Spider man 3 hits the shelf for the psp about 3 month after the movie is it worth it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Spider-Man 3 PSP
Most people who probably got this game is die hard spidey fans. Since most people disliked the game for the major counsels even me who gave it a 2.5 probably would not like this game. I'm here to say that Spider man 3 for the psp is better then all the others. To start off with you'll notice the only bad thing of the game there are long load times that come very often. But once you get to the actual game you'll notice that spider man looks great and his baddies have good textures. The environments are large and they to have cluttered floors. The action in the game is fludeid and requires you to stay on your toes. The game adds a rpg style skill level which helps take down enemy's. The quick time events are back but they don't happen as often and gives you more control over your super hero. Spider man also gets his own cut scenes that have a different look from the ones found in the xbox. They fit in though with the look of the psp version. This time around Spider man gets the black suit right after the second level. unlike the other version the black suit plays a part and helps you beat certain enemy's. Many people complain of the controls but I don't they work great and swinging from the roof tops is great fun. The enemies are smarter and tend to run away if they are losing the fight. You can also lose hours form doing city alerts and crime watches. my only other problem is that the charter models repeat so the entire New York city looks like it was ran over with twins. Also the dialogue is glitch a only during the game when the people start to talk after the charters are moving. sometimes the screen goes black when they are talking as well. Those are the only problems and you can easily look over them. Spider man improved in my eyes and any action fan of spidey fan will have a blast with this game.