Be Spider-Man

User Rating: 6.5 | Spider-Man 3 WII
I Think My Head Line Says Enough,The Game Is Suprisingly good and grows on you after you get used to the not too impressive graphics the amazing controll of you web-slinging,camera issuses that make you wanna slap some one and ah not to responsive combat system not to mention the lack of slow motion and black and white spidey sense the the 360 and ps3 versions have but too be truthfull this version is very different but not really in a bad way and the game has alot of missions and storyiney too get through from street crimes too petty gangs and and super villains we know and love/Venom/New Goblin,SandMan KingPin And More Plus Two Additional Only for Wii.And Too Boot You Get Too Switch Between Good And Not Soo Good/Red Suit/BlackSuit.But Straight Out This Verison Is Just Plain Fun.
