Another boring movie tie in game

User Rating: 2.5 | Spider-Man 3 PC
Did you ever have a game that you really wanted to be really good but ends up being one of the worst game? Well Spider man 3 for PC is that game. The first thing you'll notice is that the controls are awful and that just makes the combat very difficult. another thing that's annoying is that game is very buggy so you'll be running around and then you'll be 30 feet in front of you being killed by a dozen gang members. In combat spider man is very weak and gets killed off real easily. The goons in the game have about super human strength because they go down in about 20 punches which dose not make any sense because in the comic book must baddies went down in one or two. After the quick first missions over you are sent out to New York. This is the only redeeming fact of the game because it is huge and the different parts of the city have a different look. The only good things of the controls is that its a blast to swing across the city. The stories in the game are terrible because they are disjointed and don't really follow the main story lie not even connecting the rest of the story. The coolest moments of the game are quick time but some of them should have been playable instead of pressing space for spider man to jump. Also after the first mission must of the other missions freeze up and send me to reboot my computer. My computer is a 2007 xps and i just upgrade my graphics card and i still run into this problem. If this game was just okay i would have loved it but its not. the only redeeming factor is that it has a lively New York. So a 2.5 is corecct.