Fun... for awhile.

User Rating: 6.5 | Spider-Man 3 X360
Spider-Man 3 is basically exactly what you have come to expect from a spider man game, which is a short lived experience with stupid combat. There are quite a few of storlines, but none of them are unique they mostly all feel, and play, the same. Go here, kill them... chase her... kill them... save hostages. That is the basic mission design for every mission. Which can get old really quick. However the new New York city looks amazing and is gigantic. Too bad the people look blobby and emotionless. Swinging around the city is by far the most fun part. You still can not swing on the statue of liberty for some reason. The acheivements are not too dificult to get but some of the acheivements only crazy aheivement hunters will take the time to try to get. So overall spider-man is a good game but the lack of good character models, interesting missions, or good combat holds it back from its true potential.