very fun

User Rating: 10 | Spider-Man 2 PS2
I like this Spider Man game better than the first one because now you can go on the ground and when he swings on a web it is attached to a building instead of the air; also you can explore more of the city now like all of New York instead of on small place; one thing is when you jump in the water you automatically go back on land ; I mean you hit the water hear a splash then hes back on land ; I wish he could swim so you don't have to swing on a helicopter to get to Liberty Island and that other island; also it should allow you to pick up cars because it would let you in the first game when you have to help that scorpian guy ; and I don't get the upgrade thing ; you should be able to already have those upgrades ; plus it would make the game better if you could go in all of the buildings; and you would think that when you tie up someone in web they shouldn't be able to escape.