Spider-Man 2 is a great game where combat is awesome and Manhattan is truly your playground, but there are some flaws...

User Rating: 8.5 | Spider-Man 2 PS2
Spider-Man 2 is a great sequel to Spider-Man: The Movie. I got this game in '05 and I'm still playing it like hell! Of course, there are some flaws.

GRAPHICS: While swinging freely across Manhattan like a maniac is awesome, I can't say the same about the graphics. Spider-Man (and Peter Parker) and his friends and villians are pretty well detailed, but the details of the buildings and pedestrians that pass by are just disappointing. They're pasted on faces that don't move. They don't move their lips, have any facial expressions, or anything that relates to good quality. The buildings are OK. Not anything special...

COMBAT: One word: AMAZING! This is how fighting should be! You have a ****load of awesome combat moves and you can buy even more awesome combos at "Spidey Stores" with your "Hero Points." Some of the awesome moves are grappling enemies, pile driving them off of buildings, hanging enemies off of lampposts, and swinging them around with your web (it's called, "Web Rodeo"!

MISSIONS: When I say missions, I mean everyday crime-stopping. Most of these missions are fun, but they eventually get repetitive. Some are just plain stupid, like retrieving a balloon that got away from a kid and returning it to him or her. Talk about respect for the friendly neighborhood superhero.

GAMEPLAY: Once again, AMAZING! You can do just about almost anything from jumping off the Empire State Building to hanging onto helicopters to doing some aerobatics and swinging on webs with massive speed! This game has pulled it off! There are a few glitches, but I normally just laugh at them, because they're very easy to deal with. In fights, Spidey wise-cracks a lot, which we all want and love! Also, Bruce Campbell is back! YAY!

STORY: I can't complain about the story. You have bosses from the movie and form the comics. They're fun to do. Side missions involve taking Mary Jane out to dates, delivering pizzas, and taking pics for the Bugle. So, yeah. Story's good.

Overall, Spider-Man 2 is an amazing game, but visuals are far from perfect and missions get a bit repetitive, but still, I recommend this game to sandbox-lovers and Spidey-lovers.