Spider Man: The Movie was a great game, so I expected alot out of the sequal. Unfortunantly, it just isn't that good.

User Rating: 4.5 | Spider-Man 2 PS2
When I first heard there would be a sequel to Spider Man: The Movie, I was very excited. I was a big fan of the first one. I was even more excited to hear that it would be an open world where spidy can actually go on the streets. The game was a total letdown however.

First off, the gameplay is SO repetitive, you will find yourself doing the same thing over and over again.

Secondly, the controls are just HORRIBLE! You have no sense of direction when you shoot a web, you could end up going anywhere! Your not in control of any of it!

Lastly, the graphics are just dull, and boring. There are also alot of pop-in's, which I really hate in a game.

The only thing I find fun about the game is when you just fly around the city, even if you can't control the direction your going. I also enjoyed Bruce Cambell's voice work, and thats about it, overall, terrible game.