Spider-man 2 let's you live the life of the web slinging hero, if his life was just a few hours long.

User Rating: 6.5 | Spider-Man 2 PS2
Spider-Man 2 is just like almost every Superhero based game. It's not horrible, but it's no where near great. It feels like it could have been better, and it really feels like it could have been longer, but it's still worth checking out for webheads and fans of the free roaming genre.

The gameplay is relatively simple. Your the hero, you beat up the badguys. The game actually adds more than this though, changing the linear style of all previous Spiderman games and turning into a free roamer. This works for the game, to some extent. There are small little crimes happening all around you (a la True Crime) and you can go solve them for hero points. Well, you really HAVE to solve them, because hero points get you the new moves and tricks. The other lame part is the whole dang city really looks the same, so it doesn't feel like a huge universe, just simple building designs over and over. But still, it fits Spidey more than just hopping from building to building with his webs sticking to nothing.

The graphics are nothing to awe at, but since your swinging through the city at high speeds most of the time, you won't really notice. Spider-Man and the villians look fine, but the people your saving or the low thugs look just plain bad. As said before, the whole city doesn't really look good, the buildings seem like simple shapes with windows, and they all look similair. It's well laid out though. The sound is great, because they actually have the actors from the movie doing the voices. It would have been better if the script was better, but it's still fun hearing Tobey Maguire saying cheesy spidey lines. Do these tights make my butt look big?

Overall, Spider-Man 2 is a good game that doesn't have enough meat on the bones. Some might argue this is a good thing, as the game would have gotten even more repetitive than it already is. It's worth playing, definetly a fun rental, but there's no real reason to buy it.