A groundbreaking Spidey game at the time

User Rating: 8 | Spider-Man 2 PS2
Spiderman 2 has its share of problems. The repetitive grind missions with the small cast of NPCs. The hilarious sleepy Peter Parker starring Tobey. A Mary Jane that looks ugly up the wazoo. Critics can probably have a fun time nitpicking at a lot of (real) issues that the game contains.

BUT BUT BUT: Spiderman 2 shines for a reason that not everyone gives it credit for: It's innovation in web slinging. Previous to this game, NO spiderman game had captured the essence of his web swinging. The insanely fun, free falling, web zipping action, that future games (like Spiderman 3 and Ultimate Spiderman) would try to emulate, but still not quite reproduce. Spiderman 2 has very possibly, to date, the best web swinging action in any spiderman game. The large city environment also adds to this effect. (Though it is debatable with the case of Web of Shadows, due to the large number of innovations they made to make web swinging more 'accessible').

Still, I enjoyed S2 as a whole. The storymode was satisfying. The web slinging/wall-climbing fun-tastic. And ultimately, the game just felt so 'solid'. It came together quite nicely, and didn't feel kind of grimy like Spiderman 3-like games of the franchise. (Though, Web of Shadows is forgiven for the very substantial improvements with regards to the combat engine).

Ultimately: S2 is not a perfect game by any means. But I still respect it, and remember having a lot of fun with it when it first came out. Still to this date one of the best spidey games