Spectrobes tried to be innovative, I'll give it that. But in trying, it really failed.

User Rating: 5.2 | Spectrobes DS
So the game starts out when your character crash lands on a supposedly deserted planet, when he gets a distress signal. After walking around for a bit he finds an old man in an escape pod. He finds some kind of stone thing on the ground, and for some strange miraculous coincidence it fits into a slot on his arm. A black tornado comes at him and two monsters come out and attack him. Then, two monsters come out of his arm crystal thing and he kills the monsters. Later the old man wakes up and sends you on a journey to collect Cubes that give you special features like multiplayer (Yes you have to UNLOCK multi-player!)

This is when it goes downhill. You have to spend countless hours digging up stupid cubes. The cubes are almost impossible to find, and when you do find one it could be one of the same ones you've already unlocked. The excavating sequence is fun for the first few times, but it just gets old a few hours in. Luckily you get a cute critter to help you look for the cubes which does decrease the difficulty.

Battling also gets old, but much faster. This game's a button masher, which does'nt sound too bads when I type it, but trust me, IT IS A BUTTON MASHER! Your Spectrobes will eventually level up and evolve, but it is much quicker just to leave them in the incubation chamber and feed them items to level them up. I'll give Spectrobes this, it does give alot of customization to your critters. You can change there colors with special food, and dig up custom parts to change around on each Spectrobe. Your character can also change weapons, he can also change suits to give him elemental properties like Fire, Earth, and Wind.

The Wifi was definitely not what I thought it would be. Instead of fighting or trading with people around the world the creators of Spectrobes thought it would be even better to offer some kind of downloadable marketplace instead. Now that's not a bad idea but really, why could'nt they include both? That really would have brought up the gameplay. When you first buy the game, you get three cards. After you dig twelve hours for the cube to get the card reader. You then input the cards into your game and you get the cube, part, or Spectrobe from the card. This is pretty much the only unique and innovative part of the game.

Spectrobes isn't completely terrible. But I really don't recomend this for people who just want to dive into a game and play something.