this game is well worth the budget price and is much more than just a kill.switch ripoff

User Rating: 8.1 | Special Forces: Nemesis Strike XBOX
Nemesis Strike has not gotten that much attention for lack of media and press but damn this game is well worth checking out for any action fan especially cuz of the budget price. those who've played kill.switch might feel as if this was a rip off to that game, but just a few levels in, this game is much more exciting and diverse than anything kill.switch has. taking cover will save your ass many times in this game and is not necesarilly crucial to the gameplay as kill.switch was, but is a nice ability at your diposal. there's plenty of weapons in the game, assualt rifles, snipers, shotguns, silenced pistols, rocket launchers, grenades, and so forth. you play as one of two characters in teh game, depending on the mission, raptor or owl. raptor is a heavy duty guy, assault rifles, bazookas, the whole deal. owl is a more of a stealthy sam fisher-esque guy with silenced weapons and snipers. one very cool thing about some of owl's missions are the skydiving ones. it is incredibly fun to be in the air going at 200mph shooting bad guys and rockets in the air. you can do all turns and dodges in the air, but it never really seems as if your moving any closer to the ground. these missions are time based and if you just presumably 'get to your landing point' within the time its good. you can hold the L trigger to 'speed up' but the ground never seems to rush back at you. another cool gadget both owl and raptor have is their special little battery which equips each of them wit something very cool. for raptor, it acts as a sheild, and for owl, using night vision, thermal, and sonic vision, and also being able to turn invisible drains the battery power. the battery can be recharged at certain points in the game and always seem to be there when your in desperate need of it. raptors missions are usually killing everything and defuse a bomb here and there, while owl's is a lot more stealth based, stealth isn really necesary but without no sheild like raptor, stealth is perferred. there's a wide variety of tasks to do in the game and you can even drive vehicles. the physics for the vehilcles are a bit iffy but once you get used to them their just fine. the graphics are a bit poor in the game with some stiff animations and no bump-mapping or decent lighting of the sorts. explosions are awesome as you see enemies get hurled way up in teh air. the physics in this game is pretty good. any objects around an explosion will be acted upon accordingly and a wide variety of things can be interacted with. but otherwise, facial animations are just ok, enviroments are just bland, and the water effects are just sad. the framerate takes a hit now and then when enemies pop out of nowhere. the sound in the game is ok. weapons sound ok, and vo's are passable although not the best. this game lasts and fulfills your twenty dollars and is well worth it. some missions may be better than others but its all good. i had a blast, most kill.switch players will enjoy it, and is one of the better budget games to have come out in a long time.